According to the Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam, 11 digits phone numbers will be converted into 10 digits.
From September 15th to October 7th is the time to convert of mobile numbers of mobile network operators in Vietnam. The conversion of 11 digit mobile phone numbers to 10 digits only changes the 4 digits of the first 3 digits. All last 7 digits of mobile phone numbers will be retained.
– 0120 => 070
– 0121 => 079
– 0122 => 077
– 0126 => 076
– 0128 => 078
For example: 0128.7878.888 will be converted to 078.7878.888
- 0123 => 083
- 0124 => 084
- 0125 => 085
- 0127 => 081
- 0129 => 082
For example: 0129.8222.888 will convert to 082.8222.888
- 0162 => 032
- 0163 => 033
- 0164 => 034
- 0165 => 035
- 0166 => 036
- 0167 => 037
- 0168 => 038
- 0169 => 039
For example: 0169.9333.999 will be converted to: 039.9333.999
Others mobile network operators
- 0186 => 056
- 0188 => 058
For example: 0188.8555.888 will be converted to: 058.8555.888
- 0199 => 059
For example: 0199.5959.999 will be converted to: 059.5959.999
All of 10 digit mobile numbers still retained.
The contact phone numbers of Kha Tran car rental services are also adjusted as follows:
HotLine – Line – WeChat – Viber – WhatsApp:
- (+84) 91 651 02 01 (Ms Katharine)
- (+84) 34 797 67 89 (Ms Katharine)
- (Sales)
- (Manager)
Fanpage Facebook: Da Nang car rental
Add: 12 Bui Xuan Phai Street, Thuan Phuoc Ward, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City, Vietnam
For booking car or any information please feel free to click here:
Please note and correct the contact phone numbers in Vietnam to ensure contact information!
Kha Tran car rental